Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Animation: SpotOn TV

Animation: SpotOn TV from George Pickles on Vimeo.
This is my first attempt at an Animation using 3DS Max Software. At first I struggled to get to grips with the software itself, I spent many hours practising until I finally managed to produce this. I had a few problems trying to get the correct sound clips to go along with it but I made the best of what I had and I believe this is the best outcome. I am pleased with it, however there are changes and improvements I would like to of done. I hope you like it and fingers crossed my next animation will be better than this one. 

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

2nd Attempt at a One Shot Film: Tension

One Shot Film: Tension from George Pickles on Vimeo.
Here is our second attempt at One Shot film. We decided to do another shot as we wanted to try and produce a film with less mistakes than the last one, 'Was it worth it?' and just simply to gain more experience with the camera, lighting and Adobe Premiere Pro editing software. The idea behind the shoot is that as the camera circulates the two people as the tension builds, until one of the characters can no longer keep there anger under control and reacts in a physical way. I hope you like it.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

An Inspiring Lecturer's, Last Lecture

Here is a video I found online, the Lecturer gives an inspiring lecture on life lessons where he shows his strength, wisdom and compassion for his work, family and friends as he is slowly dying from Pancreatic Cancer. I feel that it relates to the the virtual world I have been producing over the last three weeks in my Animation Seminar's as well as the presentation I have to give this coming week. 

I feel that I can relate this to my work and skills outside of the studio in the way that it gives me a lot of strength and hope for the future as long as you make the most of the opportunities that you have been given and that the 'brick walls are there to show our dedication'.