1. Composite a Chrome Character into a photo or video.
Using a previously created character (from Andy's Bots & Bananas)
Animation of the character will be left to your imagination,
however it must involve some part of passing behind a real world
Render and composite, in After Effects, a 125 frame sequence of
your character within your 'real' environment.
Render elements must be in 16bit .exr format with the final output
as a quicktime h.264. The scene/shot must comprise of at least 2 surfaces [ground & vertical]
and 1 real world obstacle [eg mug/tree].
It must contain matched aspects of light, shadows, reflections, colour, tone/grain, masking
2. Piece together a composition from given elements and apply at least 4 creative effects . Analyse the
production project and write a 500-1000 words article focusing on the production pipeline used and
justifying each aspect of the provided 'render elements' and your methods of composition.
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