Thursday 13 October 2011

Project 2: Fantasy Olympic Sport

The second project I have been set is to design and make up a fantasy sport for the olympics. I have to come up with an ident for the sport as well as a 30 second animation to show how the sport works.The word 'fantasy' in the title allows me to bend the rules of reality so we can make the impossible, possible in our own 3D world e.g. zero gravity games.

The brief to this project is...

Branding and character design are important aspects of both animation and motion graphics,
helping to convey a mood, product or idea in a simple and engaging way. The multimedia industry is
rooted strongly in the commercial and advertising sectors and the working processes and pipelines within
producing adverts are essential to understand. This project typifies a standard request of an animator
when working with creative agencies.

After Effects is a fundamental tool within any motion graphics studio, both as a creation and post production
tool. Through looking at After Effects we shall explore and practice designing, modelling, texturing, lighting, camera
and animation techniques with a view to understanding the animation production pipeline.
In this project we will look at using it to rig and control your character, props and scenario design within After
Effect's 3D environment space, looking at the aspects needed to execute the project and the working methods that
bind it with both compositing and 3D animation software.'

At the moment I want to do something involving Kayaks but I am not really sure how I am going to make it 'futuristic' so to speak. I have done a few sketches but I am tempted to change the sport.

This project is going to be tough and will be a serious test of my skills but again I am excited about this project I just need to find a good idea so i can let my creative ideas flow.

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